The are definitely NOT the "Breakfast of Champions". . . . . .
"Miracle Wheaties" would work though!
cult flakes?.
(welcome to the height of intellectual thread topics.
The are definitely NOT the "Breakfast of Champions". . . . . .
"Miracle Wheaties" would work though!
i have published a new article at watchtower corporal punishment, as a response to the testimony that geoff jackson gave at the royal commission.
it includes the relevant part of the transcript, along with a string of watchtower quotes to show that what he presented was not accurate, and that watchtower translates rod as a literal implement to hit children with.
that's right folks time to kick back , pour a cold one and in take in some tunes.. what are you listening to right now ?
Right now?
This is REALLY boring, but good.
I'm listening to KAZU classical over the internet. Really great classical for people who don't want just "light classical." Excellent station.
what is a cult and what is a religion?
its open to debate.
who has the authority to say for certain what is a cult and what is a religion?
The clincher for me (as far as JWs being a cult) is that you can't make a conscientious decision to leave without losing your friends, family, everything. You can't just walk away.
All the other stuff they do, the behavior control, information control etc. . . there are lots of groups that employ these tactics, and persons may or may not consider them cults.
because she would not show him her puppies.. nobody has to tell you what country this happened in, you already know.. source.
[BOC enters room]
Ok. So yes, I have read through this thread.
I have some thoughts on this.
However, due to the fact that I have a self-imposed ban regarding commenting on this genre of thread.. . . .
[BOC leaves room]
i've searched this site and and all of the links (posted 7-8 years ago) are dead.. i also tried googling it, but to no avail.. there was one pretty poorly scanned copy on here.. .
MORPHEUS - no problem. Got the goods!
88JM, MARVIN - Yes! These things are no good without the BLUE ENVELOPE.
PHIZZY - Well. . . . let's see. .. . what can I say. . . .
A "curious family situation" arose where I thought this form would be appreciated.
I assure you that no one will be harmed in the use of this form. All for fun.
When I can, I will definitely tell the full story! Stranger than fiction.
i've searched this site and and all of the links (posted 7-8 years ago) are dead.. i also tried googling it, but to no avail.. there was one pretty poorly scanned copy on here.. .
Geez. . . I've inadvertently created an sd-77 arms race!
Thanks to both of you, Morph and Marvin.
i've searched this site and and all of the links (posted 7-8 years ago) are dead.. i also tried googling it, but to no avail.. there was one pretty poorly scanned copy on here.. .
i've searched this site and and all of the links (posted 7-8 years ago) are dead.. i also tried googling it, but to no avail.. there was one pretty poorly scanned copy on here.. .
I've searched this site and and all of the links (posted 7-8 years ago) are dead.
I also tried Googling it, but to no avail.
There was one pretty poorly scanned copy on here.. . . . . but I'm looking for a good-quality PDF.
just a total speculative thought i had.
with branches getting cut, special pioneers getting sacked, and bethel members going byebye, is there a need for gilead still?
(co's are probably on the block too lests be honest).. if they got rid of that i feel that would be huge.
I got blue as a "make-up" present :
Someone in my family kind of screwed me over (just a bit!), but realized it quickly, and wanted to make things right. . . .
"Awwww. . . you didn't have to. . . but you did. . . I'd be happy to accept this--- all is forgiven!"
Blue is good stuff.